Friday, April 29, 2011

Tiller Day, FINALLY!!!

There it is, at long last, the tiller!  Mother Nature has been conspiring against me lately causing the postponement of tiller day until today.  Apparently there was some wedding going on that everyone else was interested in today, but not around here.  At our house today was Tiller Day!  As you can see I rented a good old fashioned front tine tiller.  That's the only kind this city girl knows how to use.  My mom goes on and on about how rear tines are so much better, but frankly, I'm not a fan.  I can't seem to find a way to get those rear tines to stay in one place and dig in, they just skitter across the soil.  With the front tine I can just lay back on the handles like a waterskier and force it to stay put.  The funny part of renting the tiller was everyone else's reaction to my renting it.  My husband asked me if I knew how to work a tiller...hellloooooo, this is not exactly my first dog and pony show.  I used to rent or borrow a tiller about twice a year before I moved here and started using raised beds instead.  Then the guy at the rental place asked if I wanted him to show me how the controls worked.  "Sure" I said, "it's been a while since a used a tiller."  He then proceeds to keep telling me to remind my husband to cut the gas on.  I laughed and said my husband was going to get it out of the car and then hand it over.  He wants no part of the tiller usage.  The man still insisted on reminding me of what to show my husband.  Whatever, Dude.  Just put the tiller in the minivan, jeez.

Then I waited for the kids to fall asleep.  You can see the monitor way in the background in the tiller photo.  Like I was really going to hear that thing over the tiller noise.  Fortunately they slept the whole time.  The whole process took about 45 minutes.  I have to say I'm pretty proud of it.  Now we just need a dog proof fence and we can get started planting.

Not bad for one day's work.  I have so many things that I want to do that I'm having trouble remembering what I swore to myself at the beginning of this...start small.  Baby steps.  I just want to get everything done today.  We've made a lot of progress though.  Now to get to planting.  In the meantime I've got a race to run.  Tomorrow I'm doing 10 miles in the local ultramarathon to raise money for our cancer center.  Hopefully I'll have the energy to think about tomato plants, etc, when I'm done!


  1. You go girl. I am Woman!! These men just don't get it.

  2. Nate and I working on planting a garden this year. How do you like raised beds versus not?

  3. @ Sue Anne, I like the raised beds for some things but my tomatoes have never done well in them. I don't know if that's just because tomatoes don't do well in NC or if it's the beds. I like that you can fill them with good soil and compost and not have to worry about the existing soil composition. My broccoli, onions, lettuce, basil, thyme and oregano have done great in them. I just wanted some more space this year so we tilled up the big garden. I have noticed that the raised beds need watering more because the drainage is so good. So, those are my raised bed thoughts. Sorry I've been such a blog slacker and it took so long to write this :)
    PS, apparently I'm logged in as Bobby!
