I won't say which of us is the hog and which is the frog but since Chubs is wearing green and I ate a big honkin' piece of red velvet cake two days ago I'll let you figure it out.
Sadly, running is about the only productive thing I have done today. I put in 4 miles pushing Chubs in the BOB which took at least one minute per mile longer than it would have without BOB and left me feeling pretty beat. At least it was BOB 1 with only one child on board as opposed to BOB 2 which carries both of them and adds at least 3 minutes to each mile.
Today is one of those days that has taken a very different course from what I was planning when I went to bed last night. It was supposed to be "Tiller Day," the day I break ground on the our new, nicely marked off, 10X10 foot area of garden. My husband, however, intervened with a very rational "is it really such a good idea to plant things right before we go on vacation." Ummm, no...but that kind of rational thinking doesn't usually enter in to my whole shoot-first-as-questions-later approach. So tiller day has been postponed until we get back and today became more of a Clean the Kitchen, Do Laundry, Get Ready to Be at Work for 24 Hours kind of day.
Yet somehow CKDLGRBW24H Day hasn't happened either. Bryan's nap was cruelly interrupted by the fact that he spits up every time he poos and the lack of nap/prunes vomited out the nose has left him cranky. He just wants to be held or nursed. So we sit here the two of us, tummy to tummy. He nurses and I drink my lukewarm beverage previously known as "hot tea." We listen to the sonic booms from the fancy fighter jets practicing for this weekend's air show. The laundry will still be there this evening. It will probably still be there Saturday morning when I get home from work, interfering with my dreams of a productive weekend. But in the grand scheme of things, who cares. Right now I have this little moment with my baby boy and I'm going to enjoy it!
Love your wit! Keep it coming.