Friday, June 17, 2011


Today is a busy, busy day and, as usual, I have set completely unrealistic goals for myself.  I don't really have time to write an entire post but I love making lists so here is a list of a few of the things we will be doing (or trying to do) today!

...blanching green beans and chopping cucumbers and onions before breakfast...
...having a tea party using apple prune juice instead of tea...
...broadening my horizons from freezer jam to pickles and maybe even to cooked jam...
...freezing fresh green beans...
...staying too busy to change out of our pajamas...
...being amazed at the amount of kitchen carnage that came from making the pickles and canning them...
...telling Ruthie that the TV is broken so that Busytown and Wonderpets won't be her baby sitters today...
...marveling at the amount of creative play that resulted from the "broken" TV...
...considering blackberry cobbler versus tart versus jam...
...smiling at Ruthie's curls that have come back with a vengeance with the increase in humidity...
...grinning at the fact that Bryan's eyes may actually stay blue...
...cutting out fabric for a new little girl's sundress and another pair of big butt baby pants...
...finding a few moments of quiet to sip on some tea...
...mentally preparing for a long weekend at work..

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